Donate Now for the Kebisoni Tumanyane Group, Youth Football/Soccer League! Spring 2023


OTYO! (A Sigh of Relief) is proud to announce
our sponsorship of  The Kebisoni Tumanyane
Group (KTG), Youth Football/Soccer League!

The team, Kebisoni Tumanyane Sports, is managed under Kebisoni Tumanyane Group (KTG). Based in Kebisoni, Rukungiri District, Uganda.
Manager: Robert Turyahikayo
Original founder and Assistant Manager: Nuwamanya Tom Bugaari


Kebisoni Tumanyane Group (KTG) consists of structured leadership with a chairperson, a secretary, and a budget, which conducts monthly and quarterly meetings. KTG is a fully inclusive sports organization, which provides a highly organized team experience for youth 15 years and up. Games occur bi-monthly, with 2 seasons running 8 weeks each, beginning in April and October.

Click for a Kebisoni Tumanyane Team Video on Youtube!

KTG is a fully independent league and registered NGO. Our point person is founder and team captain Nuwamanya Tom Bugari.

OTYO! will be a primary sponsor for KTG from here on, supporting the league with resources such as uniforms, shoes, equipment, transportation, and healthy snacks. Our initial starter sponsorship of 2023 will be for $5000 to outfit the teams. We have already donated $2500 for the first eight week season beginning in April, and we need an additional $2500 for the next eight week season beginning in October.

Moving forward, this project will be one of our main short term initiatives within the target community, and will be ongoing. Following our initial 2023 starter sponsorship to help outfit the league, smaller donation amounts will be needed annually to sustain the league. OTYO! will raise funds to provide these specific resources to the league through quarterly and biannual fundraising.

This exemplifies the type of youth programs that we aim to facilitate through the Community Center after its construction.


Tumanyane Video

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