Winter 2020/2021 Update: Fundraising Goal Achieved!
OTYO! is pleased to announce that we have achieved our fundraising goals for the fall of 2020 through our social media platforms, events, and outreach. OTYO! will use these funds to provide additional assistance during the COVID pandemic to our target population in rural Uganda. Members of our board have arrived in Uganda from the US and will work with our Uganda Secretary and Liaison to procure and distribute hand-washing soap to the community in Kebisoni, North Kigezi Diocese, Rukungiri District, Uganda. We are especially grateful to all contributors and supporters. We also greatly value the people who enjoy our content, and who ‘like’ and share our posts, which helps us reach new viewers. We enjoy being a part of the global conversation on social justice, and work at being relevant in that movement as much as we are working to raise funds for our projects.
Moving forward, please view our website to learn about our short and long term projects, our organization, and access other content such as our African Art Gallery. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to see all of our posts, announcements, and news. Thank you to all of our supporters, and Happy Holidays!
Coming up in 2021: further content on Canon Eric Bugaari and his legacy; fundraising for the Pad Project, short term grants, and the Community Centre; GroupRaise dining/takeout events; The OTYO! Livestream Art Sale and Exhibition!

OTYO! (A Sigh of Relief) board members meet monthly.