Youth Programs and Skills Training
Kebisoni Tumanyane Group
Youth Football/Soccer League
Kebisoni Tumanyane Sports
This team is under KTG (Kebisoni Tumanyane Group).
Based in Kebisoni, Rukungiri District, Uganda.
Manager: Robert Turyahikayo.
Original founder and Assistant Team Manager: Nuwamanya Tom Bugaari
The league consists of structured leadership with a chairperson, secretary, budget, and scheduled monthly meetings. This league is currently operating under the Possmuss league in nearby Buyanja (Rukungiri District), and will be an independent league and a registered CBO by June 2023. Point person is founder and team captain Nuwamanya Tom Bugari.
KTG it’s a fully inclusive sports organization that provides membership and a highly organized football team experience for youth 15 years and up.
OTYO! will sponsor the KTG youth league through periodic fundraising to provide uniforms, shoes, equipment, transportation, and snacks. This project will be one of our main short term initiatives within the target community, and will be ongoing. OTYO! will raise funds to provide specific resources to the league and teams through quarterly and biannual fundraising. It exemplifies the type of youth programs that we will facilitate through the Community Center after its construction.